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3 min read
how to have a successful bridal hair career
Are you a hairstylist with a passion for bridal hair, dreaming of building a successful business in what seems like a saturated market? ...
2 min read
Don't settle for anything less than extraordinary for your bridal beauty.
As you step into the world of wedding planning, envisioning every detail of your special day, one element stands out above the rest –...
3 min read
Hair Extensions- Wedding day and every day !
All your life you've dreamt of thicker, longer... -it's okay you can say it- sexier hair. Maybe you're blonde and you've had your share...
2 min read
Bridal beauty and your bridesmaids
It never fails.. When I mention that I am a bridal stylist the first question is usually centered around the pressures and added drama...
2 min read
Choose wisely for your bridal hair
Consider a few key factors before setting your heart on a hairstyle...
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